IPv64.net CDN Service
Security, scalability and speed - all combined in our innovative IPv64.net CDN Proxy Service.
The IPv64.net CDN network allows you to deliver your content much more securely and with better performance. You can eliminate the DS-Lite and IPv6 problem, as our servers can always establish the connection via both, IPv4 and IPv6.
The IPv64.net CDN stack with the reverse proxy automatically sets up an IPv4 and IPv6 frontend connection. Even if you can only be reached via IPv6, requests and connections can be established with IPv4 & IPv6. This solves the IPv6 problem in the current time.
The reverse proxy service from IPv64.net connects your services on the Internet to your website via a secure line. With options such as caching and DDoS, your service and your own servers become a little more secure.
With the Portmapper you can make your services that are not web-based available via the CDN. You can freely select the ports and protocols. The performance is excellent.
Each domain activated in the CDN receives a valid certificate issued by Let's Encrypt. You don't have to worry about anything, the certificates are issued all by themselves and are valid and secure in all browsers (green). You don't have to worry about renewing or even issuing them.
Our reverse proxy servers are operated by the hoster Hetzner. The connection is sufficiently dimensioned with 10 Gbit/s each. Each server runs through the DDoS firewall used by the data center operator. In addition, further DDoS measures are taken directly on the proxy servers. Everything to protect you from insecure connections.
The IPv64.net CDN Reverse Proxy is fully integrated into the DynDNS of IPv64. So if an automatism changes your IP addresses, these are also actively and automatically changed in the CDN. This means that IP addresses that change and are renewed are no problem here either.
Registration with IPv64 is free of charge. All services can also be used with the free account plan.
In the CDN overview you have full controll and overview of all your domains with Reverse Proxies and Portmappers.
Zunächst ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass bei einem CDN-Service der Dienstleister die Möglichkeit besitzen muss DNS-Einträge der entsprechenden Domain anpassen zu können. Da IPv64.net einen eigenen DNS-Service mitbringt, sind solche automatischen Anpassung ohne Probleme möglich. Auch gängige Alternativen wie Cloudflare müssen Änderungen an den DNS-Einträgen vornehmen können. IPv64.net unterscheidet sich dort nicht.
Wenn der IPv64.net CDN Service verwendet werden soll, dann musst du als aller erstes die gewünschten A und AAAA Records im CDN aktivieren. Mit diesem Vorgang werden deine eigenen IP-Adressen aus dem Globalen DNS Service entfernt und werden lediglich als Backend Verbindung genutzt. Im DNS welches weltweit zur Verfügung steht, tauchen dann für diese Domain Einträge nur noch die DNS-Records von den IPv64-CDN-Servern auf. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt wird jeglicher Verbindungstraffic über die CDN Server geleitet.
Deine DynDNS Fähig bleibt zu 100% bestehen. Aktive Änderungen an den Records werden weiterhin stets an der richtigen Stelle aktualisiert. IPv64.net setzt weiterhin auf maximale flexibilität, sodass du trotzdem jederzeit in der Lage bist über DynDNS / DynDNS2 die IP-Adressen zu ändern. Diese IP-Adressen werden dann im CDN-Backend angepasst. Das passiert für den Enduser alles völlig ohne Auswirkung.
Mit dem Moment wo die DNS-Einträge geändert werden auf die des CDN, werden auch alle Anfragen an die Domain über IPv64 gesendet. Somit besteht auch die Möglichkeit Portmappings vorzunehmen. Für mehr Infos schaue bitte auf der Portmapper Seite.
Auch der DNS-Failover ist ins IPv64.net CDN integriert. Es besteht also weiterhin die Möglichkeit DNS-Failovers zu triggern und alle Änderungen werden im CDN vollständig übernommen.
Der Rückweg, raus aus dem CDN ist jederzeit gegeben. Du musst nur lediglich die DNS-Records im CDN deaktivieren und alles ist wieder normal.
First, it is important to understand that for a CDN service, the provider must have the ability to adjust DNS entries for the respective domain. Since IPv64.net comes with its own DNS service, such automatic adjustments are possible without any issues. Common alternatives like Cloudflare also need to make changes to the DNS entries. IPv64.net does not differ in this regard.
If you want to use the IPv64.net CDN service, the first thing you need to do is activate the desired A and AAAA records in the CDN. This process removes your own IP addresses from the global DNS service and uses them only as backend connections. In the DNS that is available worldwide, the entries for this domain will then only show the DNS records of the IPv64 CDN servers. From that moment, all connection traffic is routed through the CDN servers.
Your DynDNS capability remains 100% intact. Active changes to the records are still updated at the correct location. IPv64.net continues to focus on maximum flexibility, so you are still able to change the IP addresses at any time via DynDNS / DynDNS2. These IP addresses are then adjusted in the CDN backend. This process happens completely without any impact on the end user.
The moment the DNS entries are changed to those of the CDN, all requests to the domain are sent via IPv64. This also allows for port mappings. For more information, please visit the Portmapper page.
The DNS failover is also integrated into the IPv64.net CDN. It is therefore still possible to trigger DNS failovers, and all changes are fully adopted by the CDN.
Reverting from the CDN is possible at any time. You just need to deactivate the DNS records in the CDN, and everything returns to normal.
Security, scalability and speed - all combined in our innovative IPv64.net CDN Proxy Service.