IPv64 Logo WireGuard Config Generator WireGuard Config Generator Logo

This tool helps you create configuration files for a WireGuard "Client - Server" setup where you have one server and a number of clients. Simply enter the parameters for your customized setup and click “Generate Config” to get started.

Generate your personal WireGuard Config
VPN Tunnel Network
Client Allowed IPs (Comma seperated)
Pre-Shared Key (Advanced Security)
No routing table
Masquerade (Forward Traffic)

Default WireGuard Config

Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = IoNF+KdKwRhXx0HijMAa9PxH677HdCQJPaHm6nigdOA=

PublicKey = GleVI69K7RkWh4m8GFUyAleov4UDnoOAVMNOP/aiG0k=
PresharedKey = 7Hsbz9EOdLzemXLqtVZ6X0U+3caMx8bSQvAZHtaNyfM=
AllowedIPs =

PublicKey = DrUgacgz93ZrjgzI4+L8a+BinmaTtpySUu1iyU0qMRI=
PresharedKey = P9aPMH0k0O8TZu7gz1zHBSQSy1UwND2P8IAhmN+F078=
AllowedIPs =

PublicKey = RodYrbFYKRPP35D22Yw5Qd1qPrgfYGU6DZOiiB+OkDI=
PresharedKey = lP72AzpHWo7Mvtpg/xTXZrkDtLlAxPRh5CwCqIzw8XE=
AllowedIPs =
WireGuard Config Generator Server - wg0.conf
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = b4ejdhL2Jq3xkNdJ8GLcvYDzxrxkOaJX5+hD64f4Ktk=

PublicKey = TLdeTDV9baj/W0p5ws+v0/bvWbBxjjW5Q7lEMb4G7g4=
PresharedKey = 7Hsbz9EOdLzemXLqtVZ6X0U+3caMx8bSQvAZHtaNyfM=
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
Endpoint = hostname.ipv64.net:51820
WireGuard Config Generator Client Config - wg1.conf
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = XoX0nuMMJBLtjoxIiSshMxlnkA92blbejpX2vNOlKRE=

PublicKey = TLdeTDV9baj/W0p5ws+v0/bvWbBxjjW5Q7lEMb4G7g4=
PresharedKey = P9aPMH0k0O8TZu7gz1zHBSQSy1UwND2P8IAhmN+F078=
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
Endpoint = hostname.ipv64.net:51820
WireGuard Config Generator Client Config - wg2.conf
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = pQxfPzBAtl0zK2fK3QDNYyZPQClu5jnLDs533u8Xkec=

PublicKey = TLdeTDV9baj/W0p5ws+v0/bvWbBxjjW5Q7lEMb4G7g4=
PresharedKey = lP72AzpHWo7Mvtpg/xTXZrkDtLlAxPRh5CwCqIzw8XE=
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
Endpoint = hostname.ipv64.net:51820
WireGuard Config Generator Client Config - wg3.conf
WireGuard Config Generator Informations

WireGuard is a modern and lightweight VPN protocol designed for maximum security and speed. It utilizes cutting-edge cryptography (e.g., ChaCha20 for encryption) and is far more efficient than traditional VPNs like OpenVPN or IPsec.

With its minimal codebase (only a few thousand lines), WireGuard reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities while delivering high performance, even on mobile devices. Its static peering model enables fast connections and easy setup, while built-in roaming support ensures stable connectivity across different networks.

WireGuard Linux Fast installation & configuration
  1. Install WireGuard on your Linux Server
    sudo apt install wireguard
  2. Create WireGuard "Config File" on your Server system
    sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
    CTRL + c CTRL + v Copy config from this nice page.
  3. Start WireGuard Server
    sudo wg-quick up wg0
  4. Start automaticly WireGuard on startup
    sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0
  5. Scan one of the QR codes of the client configuration with your mobile phone
    Click on connect
IPv64 Logo Minimal

IPv64.net WireGuard Config Generator

The data traffic for the CDN domains is forwarded via these servers.
These servers are secured against external attacks.