IPv64 Logo DynDNS2 Updater // DynDNS API

The IPv64.net DynDNS Updater responds to DynDNS and DynDNS2 requests. Both protocols are fully integrated. In addition, all inputs can also be communicated via the API. A complete automation is therefore possible.

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DynDNS2 & DynDNS Updater

Updater URL:
https://ipv64.net/nic/update (DynDNS 2) - prefered

Updater Authentication
key|token|user|username:[GET|POST] - Your Domain Update Token (Option 1)
Bearer Token: Your Domain Update Token (Option 2)
Basic Auth Base64: {xyz}:{token} - Your Domain Update Token (Option 3)

Updater Limits
Updater Account Limit: The API limit depends on the account class. (Default 48 / 24h)
Updater Call Limit: Maximum 3 updater requests within 10 sec.

DynDNS2 Updater Calls in the overview

[GET] HTTP Request

key|token|user - Defines the user account update token (Mandatory field)
domain|host|hostname - Specifies which domain/s should be updated (Mandatory field)

ip|ipv4|ip4|myip - The specified IPv4 address should be updated in DNS. (Optional)
ip6|ipv6|myip6|myipv6 - The specified IPv6 address should be updated in DNS. (Optional)

praefix - The specified prefix should be updated in the DNS record. (Optional)

"ipv6prefix"|"ip6lanprefix" - Update the IPv6 prefix.
[Format ex.: 2a01:5a32:12aa:6234::/64] or "auto" (Optional)
"onlyprefix" - Do not update IP addresses, just prefix. (Only with ipv6prefix)

healthcheck - Update a healthcheck at the same time [Healthcheck Token] (Optional)

[POST] HTTP Request

Basic Auth Base64 - {username}:{password} one of them must be the token. (Option 1)
Bearer Token - The {Bearer Token} must contain your domain update token. (Option 2)
key|token|user - Defines the user account update key (Option 3)
domain|host|hostname - Specifies which domain should be updated (Mandatory field)
(Separate multidomain update with ','.)

ip|ipv4|ip4|myip - The specified IPv4 address should be updated in DNS. (Optional)
ip6|ipv6|myip6|myipv6 - The specified IPv6 address should be updated in DNS. (Optional)

praefix - The specified prefix should be updated in the DNS record. (Optional)

healthcheck - Update a healthcheck at the same time [Healthcheck Token]. (Optional)

Updater Extras

[GET] output => "none" (no output), "min" (good,nochg,fail), "full" (Default: JSON)
[GET|POST] domain => Multidomain Update "COMMA SEPERATED" (z.B. 123.ipv64.net,serv.tcp64.de)
[GET] howismyip => Get Your IP-Adress

Updater Response

HTTP-Header-Codes: 200 OK, 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 429 Too Many Requests

Status: success OR http header code
IP (Array): Updated IPs (IPv4 + IPv6)
Status: "good" - IP in DNS is Changed | "nochg" - No Change in DNS-Server

Sicherheit & Datenschutz

For security & privacy reasons, no email / password combinations are accepted.
Requests to the update API are logged.
If there are too many failures in a short time, the API for the key will be locked for 10 min.

Force IPv4 / IPv6 update

If you want the IP address to be set automatically, you can "force" the IP to be set with IPv4 or IPv6. ipv4.ipv64.net

Updater examples

Example 1:
Example 2:
https://{Bearer 1234567890abcdefgh}@ipv64.net/nic/update?host=YOURDOMAIN.IPV64.NET
Example 3:
Example 4:
CURL Example:
curl -sSL -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n none:1234567890abcdefgh | base64)" https://ipv64.net/nic/update?domain=YOURDOMAIN.IPV64.NET



API Authentication
Bearer Token: Your Account API Key (Option 1)
Basic Auth Base64: {xyz}:{apikey} - Your Account API Key (Option 2)
apikey|token:[GET|POST] - Your Account API Key (Option 3)

API Limits
API Account Limit: API limit depends on the account class. (Default 64 / 24h)
API Call Limit: Maximum 5 API requests within 10 sec.

API Calls in the overview

[GET] Account Informations
[GET] get_account_info
Get all the information about the user account.

[GET] Account Logging
[GET] get_logs
Get the last 100 log entries.

[GET] Domain Informations
[GET] get_domains
Get back all information regarding domains and records.

[POST] Create Domain (form-data)
[POST] add_domain => Domainname [String Format: domainname.ipv64.net]
Creates a new domain and automatically creates A o. AAAA record.

[DELETE] Delete Domain (x-www-form-urlencoded)
[DELETE] del_domain => Domainname [String Format: domainname.ipv64.net]
Domain will be deleted immediately with all known DNS records.

[POST] Add DNS Record (form-data)
[POST] add_record => Domainname [String Format: domainname.ipv64.net]
[POST] praefix => Domainpraefix [String Format]
[POST] type => A,AAAA,TXT,CNAME,MX,NS,SRV [String Format]
[POST] content => Content for DNS Record. [String Format]
A new DNS record is created in the specified domain.

[DELETE] Delete DNS Record (form-data)
[DELETE] del_record => Domainname [String Format: domainname.ipv64.net]
[DELETE] praefix => Domainpraefix [String Format]
[DELETE] type => A,AAAA,TXT,CNAME,MX,NS,SRV [String Format]
[DELETE] content => Content for DNS Record. [String Format]
[DELETE] del_record => DNS Record ID [Integer Format]
The DNS record is immediately deleted from the domain.

API-Response (Response)

HTTP-Header-Codes: 200 OK, 201 Created, 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 429 Too Many Requests

Response: Response to your API call
Status: success OR http header code
API-Call: Which call was called.

API Examples

[GET] API Get Account Info:
curl -X GET https://ipv64.net/api.php?get_account_info -H "Authorization: Bearer 123456787654321234567876543"

[POST] API Create Domain:
curl -X POST https://ipv64.net/api.php -H "Authorization: Bearer 123456787654321234567876543" -d "add_domain=test1234.any64.de"

[DELETE] API Create Domain:
curl -X DELETE https://ipv64.net/api.php -H "Authorization: Bearer 123456787654321234567876543" -d "del_domain=test1234.any64.de"