IPv64 Logo IPv64.net CDN Servers

The IPv64 CDN service requires several servers to communicate with the end customer services. These are of course monitored by IPv64 and can be viewed by anyone here.

List of IPv64.net CDN Server
srv01.cdn64.de Online 2a01:4f8:c013:2cdf::1 11,901 GB
29,568 GB
srv02.cdn64.de Online 2a01:4f8:1c0c:5669::1 11,434 GB
20,593 GB
srv03.cdn64.de Online 2a01:4f8:c2c:d5a9::1 5,944 GB
101,754 GB
srv04.cdn64.de Online 2a01:4f8:1c17:64c2::1 30,818 GB
79,952 GB
srv05.cdn64.de Online 2a01:4f8:1c1b:e588::1 1,949 GB
3,418 GB
Some more IPv64 CDN Server Informations

To be on the safe side, you can add these IPv64.net CDN servers to your firewall whitelist. This way, only these servers have access to your services and your own security is increased even further.

The servers are randomly assigned to the customers. The premium servers are reserved for paying customers.
Premium servers can be recognized by the symbol and are assigned automatically. These servers are significantly more performant with their hardware.

IPv64 Logo Minimal

IPv64.net CDN Servers

The data traffic for the CDN domains is forwarded via these servers.
These servers are secured against external attacks.