There is much more to your account. Support the project now with a support account and get much more comfort with
the services of We are happy to offer companies and small businesses a business account plan.
Free | Home / Supporter | Business | Company | ||
Price / year | 0,- € ¹ | 40,- € ¹ | 100,- € ¹ | 200,- € ¹ | |
Register for free | Upgrade to Supporter | Upgrade to Business | Upgrade to Company | ||
DynDNS | |||||
Number of Dyn domains | 3 Domains | 10 Domains | 50 Domains | 256 Domains | |
Own Domains (Only DNS) | 0 Domains | 3 Domains | 10 Domains | 50 Domains | |
DynDNS TTL | 60 sec. | 10 sec. | 10 sec. | 10 sec. | |
Daily DynDNS Updates | 64 updates / daily | 1024 updates / daily | ∞ updates | ∞ updates | |
Healthchecks | |||||
Number of Healthchecks | 3 Healthchecks | 10 Healthchecks | 50 Healthchecks | 250 Healthchecks | |
Daily "Healthcheck" checks | 1024 checks / daily | 8192 checks / daily | ∞ checks | ∞ checks | |
Min. Healtcheck interval | 2 Min. | 30 sec. | 30 sec. | 30 sec. | |
Healthcheck Logs | 500 logs | 1000 logs | 5000 logs | 10000 logs | |
DNS Failover | |||||
DNS Failover Policies | 1 policy | 5 policies | 25 policies | 50 policies | |
DNS Failover Monitors | 2 monitors | 25 monitors | 100 monitors | 250 monitors | |
DNS Failover Rules | 2 rules | 50 rules | 100 rules | 250 rules | |
DNS Failover Offline Pages | 1 page | 5 pages | 25 pages | 50 pages | |
IPv64 CDN | |||||
CDN Domains | 1 domain | 5 domains | 10 domains | 25 domains | |
Portmappings | 2 ports | 10 ports | 50 ports | 250 ports | |
Reverse Proxy Cache Size | 16 Mbyte | 256 Mbyte | 1024 Mbyte | 4096 Mbyte | |
Bandwidth / Connections | Limited | Slightly limited | unlimited | unlimited | |
Monthly CDN Traffic (In + Out) | 100 GB / mon. | 2 TB / mon. | 20 TB / mon. | 50 TB / mon. | |
Notifications | |||||
Notifications | ∞ ntfys | ∞ ntfys | ∞ ntfys | ∞ ntfys | |
Daily SMS (Only Germany) | 5 sms / daily | 50 sms / daily | ∞ sms | ∞ sms | |
API | |||||
Daily API calls | 512 API calls | ∞ API calls | ∞ API calls | ∞ API calls | |
Support | ||||| Forum - | |||||
E-Mail Support - | |||||
Register for free | Upgrade to Supporter | Upgrade to Business | Upgrade to Company | ||
Free | Home / Supporter | Business | Company | ||
Price / year | 0,- € ¹ | 40,- € ¹ | 100,- € ¹ | 200,- € ¹ |
Alle Preisangaben inkl. gesetzlich vorgegebener MwSt.
¹ Dies ist eine Einmalzahlung für 365 Tage / 1 Jahr, kein Abomodell. Es entstehen keine weiteren automatischen Folgekosten.
Das Verlängern oder dazu buchen muss selbstständig ausgeführt werden.
* Accountverlängerungen werden mit dem Restlichen Kontingent aufgebucht.
** Gerne bieten wir auch speziell auf Sie zugeschnittene Subscriptions an. Kontakt:
All prices include statutory VAT.
¹ This is a one-off payment for 365 days / 1 year, not a subscription model. There are no further automatic follow-up costs.
The extension or additional booking must be carried out independently.
* Account extensions are charged with the remaining quota.
** We are also happy to offer you customized subscriptions. Contact: