IPv64 Logo IPv64.net - Price & Account Classes

There is much more to your IPv64.net account. Support the IPv64.net project now with a support account and get much more comfort with the services of IPv64.net. We are happy to offer companies and small businesses a business account plan.


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Price / year
0,- € ¹
40,- € ¹
100,- € ¹
200,- € ¹
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Number of Dyn domains3 Domains10 Domains50 Domains256 Domains
Own Domains (Only DNS)0 Domains3 Domains10 Domains50 Domains
DynDNS TTL60 sec.10 sec.10 sec.10 sec.
Daily DynDNS Updates64 updates / daily1024 updates / daily∞ updates∞ updates
Number of Healthchecks3 Healthchecks10 Healthchecks50 Healthchecks250 Healthchecks
Daily "Healthcheck" checks1024 checks / daily8192 checks / daily∞ checks∞ checks
Min. Healtcheck interval2 Min.30 sec.30 sec.30 sec.
Healthcheck Logs500 logs1000 logs5000 logs10000 logs
DNS Failover
DNS Failover Policies1 policy5 policies25 policies50 policies
DNS Failover Monitors2 monitors25 monitors100 monitors250 monitors
DNS Failover Rules2 rules50 rules100 rules250 rules
DNS Failover Offline Pages1 page5 pages25 pages50 pages
CDN Domains1 domain5 domains10 domains25 domains
Portmappings2 ports10 ports50 ports250 ports
Reverse Proxy Cache Size16 Mbyte256 Mbyte1024 Mbyte4096 Mbyte
Bandwidth / ConnectionsLimitedSlightly limitedunlimitedunlimited
Monthly CDN Traffic (In + Out)100 GB / mon.2 TB / mon.20 TB / mon.50 TB / mon.
Notifications∞ ntfys∞ ntfys∞ ntfys∞ ntfys
Daily SMS (Only Germany)5 sms / daily50 sms / daily∞ sms∞ sms
Daily API calls512 API calls∞ API calls∞ API calls∞ API calls
IPv64.net Forum - v64.tech
E-Mail Support - info@ipv64.net
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Price / year
0,- € ¹
40,- € ¹
100,- € ¹
200,- € ¹

Alle Preisangaben inkl. gesetzlich vorgegebener MwSt.

¹ Dies ist eine Einmalzahlung für 365 Tage / 1 Jahr, kein Abomodell. Es entstehen keine weiteren automatischen Folgekosten. Das Verlängern oder dazu buchen muss selbstständig ausgeführt werden.
* Accountverlängerungen werden mit dem Restlichen Kontingent aufgebucht.
** Gerne bieten wir auch speziell auf Sie zugeschnittene Subscriptions an. Kontakt: info@ipv64.net

All prices include statutory VAT.

¹ This is a one-off payment for 365 days / 1 year, not a subscription model. There are no further automatic follow-up costs. The extension or additional booking must be carried out independently.
* Account extensions are charged with the remaining quota.
** We are also happy to offer you customized subscriptions. Contact: info@ipv64.net